понеделник, 29 декември 2014 г.

Мнението ми за Майли Сайръс

Мнението ми за Майли Сайръс

Знаете коя е, нали? Да. Кроткото момиче от филма Хана монтана. Но всъщност, тя не е това, за кеоте се представя. Напоследън не се носят  добри слухове за нея. Пише какви ли не неща, които направо хвърлят  в потрес феновете на уж кроткото  момичее. Първо, уж кротката Майли, на  един от концертите си, е обиждала колежката си Селена Гомез. Второ, пишеше, че   си е позволявала да прави неща, които не са много приятни. Още, че е цъфнала полугола на наградите на mtv. Не знам. Честно да кажа, наистина отврътих се от това. Допреди поне малко я харесвах. Но тя, с постъпките си ще си изгуби и останалите фенове. Не знам просто. това не е държание на истинска и нормална, при това известна жена. Завижда на Деми Ловато и Селена Гомез за ролите им които Майли смятала, че трябва да бъдат дадени на нея, и заради това се  обличала разголено, за да привлече внимание. Това не е държание на успяла, известна жена, при това певица и актриса. Наистина, ако искате да привлече внимание, има много други начини да го направи но не и тези грозните, които т по които тя постъпва. Наистина, не я разбирам. Но, това е мнението ми, и честно казано мразя я. Защото тя обиди Селена Гомез. Тя е наистина... Чудна жена. Надявам се да се поправи и занапред да не прави такива неща. Но това зависи само от  нея. И, един съвет от мен: Майли, ако искаш да спеччелиш още фенове, спри да се правиш на интересна. Знам, че няма да го прочетеш, но аз все пак да си кажа

събота, 27 декември 2014 г.

петък, 5 декември 2014 г.

малко размисли за социалните мрежи

Социалните мрежи като facebook и  twitter навлизат все повече в живота ни. Те станаха поне малка част от ежедневието ни. Най-популярната от тях обаче си остава и ще си остане facebook. Тази социална мрежа има над 1 милиард  изтегляния в android market. Фейзбук набира все повече популярност и потребители.  Вече всеки втори има facebook. Преди това ме учудваше, но вече не. Технологиите станаха голяма   част от  ежедневието ни. Появиха се  смартфони,  facebook например е достъпен навсякъде, дали чрез официалното андроид приложение или чрез  уеб браузера на телефона. Нека да не подминаваме и twitter, така  обичаната от някой хора социална мрежа. Twitter е също така популярна, въпреки, че е  фейзбук мисля, че е по-популярна. twitter е популярна най-вече сред тийнейджърите. Следващата социалка, която задължително трябва да споммена е youtube. То по точно не е  може би социална мрежа, а мрежа за видеоклипове. Тази мрежа  е също така популярна, както  twitter и  facebook. Чрез youtube може да се достигне  всякакво видео съдържание, което я прави не по малко обичана и харесвана. Следващата мрежа е instagram, която дава възможност на регистриралите се в нея, да споделят изображения, може би и видео. За съжаление в  instagram не могат да се пишат текстови статуси, което ме спря да се регистрирам там. Следващата социална мрежа е ask.fm. Тази мрежа е не по малко известна от предходните, които  изброих.  ask.fm ви дава възможност да задавате въпроси на приятелите си, и не само на тях. Този, на който е зададен въпросът обаче,  не може да разбере кой е  задал  въпросът, защото въпросът е анонимен. Също така, ask.fm може да бъде свързан  с вашия facebook или twitter акаунт. Така може да намерите приятелите  си, които също ползват ask.fm, както и да ги  следвате. Следващата социалка е tumblr. Тя не е по малко известна от предходните, съчетава в себе си възможност за снимки, видео, текст.    Не съм много запозната  с възможностите на тази социална мрежа. А сега нека поговорим малко и за социалните мрежи за  добре познатата ни мобилна  платформа android. Там възможностите са същите,  дори и по големи. Всичките социални мрежи, които  изброих досега, могат да бъдат  безпроблемно използвани, чрез официалните си   приложения в  google play. има обаче и още, които са за безплатни обаждания и изпращане на н  текстови съобщения, без това да се таксува от операторът ви. Това са wiber, whatsapp, imo. има и приложения за чат meowchat, chat on вграденото Samsung    приложение,, а, и може би не чак толкова известното приложение line.  то съчетава нещо като фейзбук и приложение за безплатни текстови съобщения и разговори. Когато отворите line, трябва да се регистрирате чрез email-а си, или да се регистрирате  с вашия facebook акаунт. Когато се регистрирате в  line  чрез имейла си фейзбук акаунта си и телефонния си номер, можете да пишете, и говорите с важите line приятели, както и да ги търсите по име, телефонен номер, и да ги добавяте.  Line е  много харесвана от мен мрежа, по точно приложения за безплатри в разговори и изпращане на текстови съобщения, без това да се таксува от оператора. ще напиша отделно ръководство за някои от  иззброените до сега социални мрежи. Следващата социална мрежа, или по скоро добавка, е facebook messenger. Това приложение е много популярно, точно колкото facebook.

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android: как да удължим живота на батерията си

Писна ли ви от бързото падане на батерията на вашето андроид устройство? писна ли  ви всеки път да проверявате на колко процента е,  защото си мислите, че ще падне! ако отговорите на тези въпроси са "да", сега ще ви дам няколко съвета как да се справите с този досаден проблем. изключете всичко, което не ползвате, в  това число wifi bluetooth, s voice, google play music, chat on, и много други неща, които смятате, ч че нямате нужда от тях и са ви безполезни.  Ако ползвате мобилен план  с интернет, можете спокойно да изключите wifi-то и gps-а си, ако не го  ползвате също да намалите   яркостта на екрана, може и да я спрете съвсем, на мен ми е на нула.  допълнение Ако ползвате само wi-fi интернет и нямате мобилен план за интернет е добре да оставите телефона си в “GSM Only” Network mode. . Убивайте всички приложения, когато приключите с тяхното използване. излизайте от опцията за изход на приложението, или с  бутончето в дясно долу, а не с   home бутона, защото така някой  приложения не се затварят добре. Инсталирайте си приложението juice    defender. То ще  запази батерията ви, може да спести до 50 процента батерия. Както казах,  намалете яркостта на екрана, Ако устройството ви е с AMOLED дисплей ( Samsung Galaxy S серията и други такива устройства) използвайте черни wallpaper-и.  Намалете Screen Time Out времето – времето след което екрана ви изгасва ако не сте го докоснали през него. изключете вибрацията си, използвайте колкото се може по-малко уиджети на началния си екран. Използвайте колкото се може повече wi-fi интернет пред този от мобилния ви оператор. Ако Haptic Feedback-a ви е активен, изключете го.

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Мнението ми за БТВ

Бтв станаха   известни с това, че излъчваха много отт българските сериали, поне аз така мисля. Столичани в повече, седем часа  разлика, стъклен дом,  домашен арест. Това не са малко сериали, благодарение на които, бтв стана доста гледана. Даааа, всичко за тях вървеше прекрасно, рейтингът им се вдигна, станаха много гледани. Но,  когато спряха българските сериали, изведнъж бтв станаха от най-гледаната, най-негледаната телевизия и  аз лично съм на това мнение. Сега, като гледам, по всякакъв начин се опитват да си вдигнат рейтинга, то не са риалити предавания, готварски истории, таланти, гласът на България и какво ли още не. Но това не означава, че  те ще успеьят да си издигнат рейтинга отново. Да, може да го желаят. Според мен, ако върнат българските сериали, ще е много  по добре, от колкото да пуснат някакви  предавания, които, може и да имат зрители, но не са мвного, поне на мен така ми изглежда. Очевидно е, че рейтингът наистина им е  спаднал. Е, това е по темата, ако науча нещо ново ще пиша пак1!

четвъртък, 27 ноември 2014 г.

Selena Gomez: Селена Гомез уикипедия

Selena Gomez: Селена Гомез уикипедия: Селена Мари Гомез е родена на 22 юли 1992 година в Ню Йорк. Най-много обича Сникърс и шоколад, а любимата й музика е хип-хоп и пънк, лю...

неделя, 23 ноември 2014 г.

bSelena Marie Fans ♥ : Мениджърът на Селена потвърждава,че Селена ще има ...

Selena Marie Fans ♥ : Мениджърът на Селена потвърждава,че Селена ще има ...: @yay.texas: ''Ще има ли Селена турне като Stars Dance скоро?''   @aleenkeshishian: ''Все още не. Но другата го...

Selena Marie Fans ♥ : Селена ще има нови филми скоро!

Selena Marie Fans ♥ : Селена ще има нови филми скоро!: Мениджъра на Селена отново отговори на фен в Instagram, като потвърди, че Селена ще има нови филми и скоро ще чуем какви са.

Selena Marie Fans ♥ : Интервюто при Ryan Seacrest

Selena Marie Fans ♥ : Интервюто при Ryan Seacrest

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Selena Marie Fans ♥ : Селена в 100-те най-гледани клипове на VEVO

Selena Marie Fans ♥ : Селена в 100-те най-гледани клипове на VEVO: Пълната класация вижте тук . 66 . Come And Get It 85. Love You Like A Love Song 97. Naturally

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♥Selena Daily Bulgaria♥: 20 неща, които (сигурно) не знаете за Селена: MovieFone е изготвил лист с 20 неща, които (сигурно) не знаем за Селена Гомес. 1. Гомес е кръстена на известната певица Селена Куанти...

неделя, 16 ноември 2014 г.

Мнението ми за българските сериали

Здравейте на всички!  Реших да напиша тази  публикация, защото от много време размишлявам над българските сериали, кои от тях са  интересни, кои са с силен сюжет. Първо искам да кажа, че най-много ме впечатли сериалът седем часа разлика. Този сериал е по истински истории, в него се разказва за  хората, за техния живот, как едни българи се справят в Америка, или пък как тук, в България, една съдийка се опитва да се справи с  несправедливостите, които  изникват от всякъде. Този сериал наистина е със силен сюжет, добре написан  сценарий и добра игра на актьорите.

Нека сега да кажем и няколко думи за сериала стъклен дом. Този сериал не ме впечатли особено, въпреки, че имаше 5  сезона. Не съм го гледала много, но мога да кажа, че от няколкото серии, които съм гледала, нищо  не ме впечатли.
Столичани в повече. Този комедиен  сериал е може би най-доброто постижение в комедийните сериали. Хареса ми,  още с първата си серия. изкара 9 сезона, и може би ще изкара и 10ти. Това е смешен, забавен сериал,  за който наистина мога да кажа, че си струва труда. В него  се осмива всекидневието на  хората, през какви трудности трябва да минеш, ако искаш да станеш кмет или инспектор в столичния инспекторат.  или пък, какво е да намериш имането на дядо си... Това наистина е един сериал, който ми хареса. Но  на първо място за мен си остава седем часа разлика. Този сериал промени начинът ми на  мислене, накара ме да  гледам на някой нещаа по друг начин. С две ръце гласувам за четвърти сезон на този великолепен сериал, седем часа  разлика!

събота, 25 октомври 2014 г.

селена гомез биография

    1. biography
  1. selena marie Gomez is an American actress and singer. She is   born on july 22 1992.  her genres are  pop and dans. Her musical record is  Hollywood records.  Her group is  the  scene. Her web sight is http//www.selenagomez.com
  2. Selena Marie Gomez (born July 22, 1992) is an American actress and singer. Gomez first made her debut appearing as Gianna in Barney & Friends, lasting from 2002 to 2004. Following this, Gomez had cameo roles in films such as Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) and Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire (2005). In 2006, Gomez appeared as a guest star on an episode of the Disney Channel series The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, as well as Hannah Montana. Following this, Gomez starred in the Disney Channel television series Wizards of Waverly Place. The series was a critical and commercial success, earning Gomez numerous awards and nominations. Gomez later appeared in numerous Disney Channel series and films including Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream (2008) and Disney Channel Games (2008). In 2009, Gomez appeared in the films Princess Protection Program and Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie before releasing her first studio album as Selena Gomez & the Scene, titled Kiss & Tell. The album was a commercial success, peaking inside the Top 10 of the Billboard 200.
  3. Following this, Gomez appeared in the film Ramona and Beezus, one of her first roles outside of Disney. Gomez & the Scene released their second studio album, A Year Without Rain, later that year. The album entered the Top 5 of the Billboard 200, and spawned two Top 40 hits. Gomez began appearing in more films such as Monte Carlo (2011) and The Muppets (2011). Gomez, along with her band, later released their third and final studio album, When the Sun Goes Down, in 2011. The album spawned the hit single "Love You Like a Love Song", which was certified 4× Platinum by the RIAA. Following the release of the album, Gomez confirmed she would be taking a musical hiatus to focus on her acting career. She then went on to appear in the films Hotel Transylvania (2012) and Spring Breakers (2013), the latter of which saw Gomez portraying a more adult role.
  4. Despite her early comments of a musical hiatus, Gomez confirmed in October 2012 that she was working on her solo debut album. The lead single, "Come & Get It", was released in April 2013. It became her first Top 10 hit on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, and was certified double platinum by the RIAA. The album's second single, "Slow Down", was released in June. Gomez has since announced plans of a second musical hiatus following the release of Stars Dance in July, later denied. She signed a record contract in mid-2014 with Interscope for future musical releases after breaking with her all-time label Hollywood Records. Gomez is set to release a Greatest Hits album in December featuring two new songs as her final record with Hollywood.[6] Outside of her work in the entertainment industry, Gomez is involved in philanthropic activities through charity work and various social and environmental causes.[7]
  5. 1992–2006: Early life and career beginnings
  6. Selena Marie Gomez was born in Grand Prairie, Texas,[5] to Ricardo Joel Gomez and former stage actress Amanda Dawn "Mandy" Cornett.[8][9][10] Gomez was named after Tejano singer Selena, who died almost three years after Gomez was born.[11] Her father is of Mexican descent while her mother, who was adopted, has some Italian ancestry.[12][13][14] Regarding her Hispanic heritage, Gomez has stated, "My family does have Quinceañeras, and we go to the communion church. We do everything that's Catholic, but we don't really have anything traditional except [that we] go to the park and have barbecues on Sundays after church."[15] Her birth parents divorced when she was five years old, and she was raised as an only child by her working mother, who had her when she was 16.[8][16] This led to the family having financial troubles, with her mother struggling to provide for them.[17] On the situation, Gomez stated "I was frustrated that my parents weren't together, and never saw the light at the end of the tunnel where my mom was working hard to provide a better life for me. I'm terrified of what I would have become if I'd stayed [in Texas]."[18] On June 12, 2013, Mandy and her second husband Brian Teefey had a daughter named Gracie Elliot Teefey.[19][20] On June 24, 2014, Ricardo Gomez and his wife Sara had a daughter named Victoria "Tori" Gomez.[21]
  7. Gomez met Demi Lovato while they were auditioning for Barney and Friends.[22] The two became close friends and would later participate in various roles together.[23][24] She earned a high school diploma through homeschooling in May 2010.[25] Gomez officially earned her first role in 2002 when she was selected to appear on the children's television series Barney and Friends as the recurring character Gianna.[26] She appeared in a total of sixteen episodes, with her final appearance being in 2004. Gomez later stated that her age had led to her departure from the show, with producers feeling she was getting too old.[27] In 2003, Gomez made a cameo in the film Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over, making it her film debut.[28] Following this, Gomez began appearing in various commercials. In 2005, she had a cameo role in the television film Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire as Julie. Gomez later guest starred in an episode of the Disney Channel series The Suite Life of Zack & Cody in 2006.[29]
  8. 2007–08: Breakthrough and musical beginnings
  9. In 2007, Gomez appeared in three episodes of the Disney Channel series Hannah Montana. Gomez portrayed the character Mikayla, the rival of the series' title character.[30] During this time, Gomez filmed pilot episodes for two potential Disney Channel series; the first, titled Arwin!,[31] was a spin-off to the Suite Life series, while the second was a spin-off to the series Lizzie McGuire.[32] Gomez later starred in the Disney Channel series Wizards of Waverly Place, portraying the lead role of Alex Russo.[27] Gomez's character, along with the rest of her family, were wizards who owned a restaurant in New York; during the course of the series, the characters learned various spells and abilities that were useful to them.[33] The series proved to be an immediate hit, giving Gomez mainstream success.[34]Wizards earned Gomez numerous awards and nominations.[35][36]


  2.  Gomez on the studio set of Wizards of Waverly Place in 2007
  3. The success of the series prompted many critics to compare Gomez to the highly successful Disney star Miley Cyrus.[37] She was later named one of the "Eight Hot Kid Stars To Watch" by Forbes magazine.[38] Gomez recorded the theme song for the series, titled "Everything Is Not What It Seems", making it her first musical release.[39]Wizards aired for a total of four seasons, lasting until 2012.[40][41]
  4. In October 2008, Gomez launched her own production company, July Moon Productions, and partnered with XYZ Films. As part of the agreement, Gomez had the opportunity to option articles, hire writers and create talent packages to shop to studios.[42][43] Also as part of the deal, Gomez was announced to be working on a film titled What Boys Want, in which her character could hear the thoughts of men.[44] Ultimately, the film was never released. That same year, Gomez began dating fellow Disney star Nick Jonas.[45] This led to Gomez appearing in the music video for the song "Burnin' Up", performed by Nick's band Jonas Brothers.[46] The couple later broke up in 2009.[47] During this time, Gomez began to focus more on music. She performed a cover of the song "Cruella de Vil" for the compilation album DisneyMania 6.[48] Gomez later recorded the song "Fly to Your Heart" for the soundtrack of the animated film Tinker Bell.[49] Gomez provided guest vocals on the Forever the Sickest Kids' single "Whoa Oh! (Me vs. Everyone)", which serves as Gomez's official debut musical release.[50] The single failed to have much success, though it peaked at number 78 on the BillboardPop 100 chart in the United States.[51]
  5. Also in 2008, Gomez had the lead role in the Direct-to-DVD film Another Cinderella Story alongside Drew Seeley.[52] Gomez portrayed Mary Santiago, a young girl who hoped to someday become a dancer.[53] The film was released to generally positive reviews, and won the 2010 Writers Guild of America Award for Children's script-long form or special.[54] For the soundtrack, Gomez recorded three songs.[55] The song "Tell Me Something I Don't Know" was released as a promotional single for the album, with Gomez filming a music video for the release.[56] "Tell Me Something I Don't Know" became her first song to chart on the BillboardHot 100 chart, peaking at number 58.[57] Later that year, Gomez had the supporting role of Helga in the animated film Horton Hears a Who!.[58] The film was a commercial success, and went on to gross nearly three hundred million dollars worldwide.[59] She later appeared in the reality series Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream and Disney Channel Games, as well as the series Studio DC: Almost Live.[60]
  6. 2009–11: Selena Gomez & the Scene and television
  9.  Gomez performing at the KISS 108 Jingle Ball in December 2010
  10. In 2009, Gomez continued to work on her acting career. She appeared in an episode of The Suite Life on Deck, portraying the character of Alex Russo. Her appearance served as a crossover between the series, Wizards of Waverly Place, and Hannah Montana, with all of the series' main characters appearing in the episode.[61] Gomez later guest starred as herself on an episode of the Disney series Sonny With a Chance, which stars Gomez's good friend Demi Lovato.[62] Gomez later provided the voice of Princess Selenia in the animated film Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard.[63] Gomez, along with Lovato, starred in the Disney Channel film Princess Protection Program, which aired in June 2009. The film was a critical success,[64] and had a total of 8.5 million viewers during its premiere.[65] For the film, Gomez and Lovato recorded the song "One and the Same", which was later released as a promotional single with a music video.[66] The song had minor success, peaking at number 82 on the Hot 100 chart.[67] On August 28, 2009, Gomez starred in Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie, a television film based on the series.[68] The film premiered to an audience of 11.4 million viewers becoming cable's No. 1 scripted telecast of 2009 and Disney Channel's second most-viewed film premiere after High School Musical 2.[69] The film won the series its second consecutive Emmy for "Outstanding Children's Program" at the 62nd Primetime Emmy Awards.[70]
  11. Gomez had been working on her debut album since signing with Hollywood Records in 2008,[71][72] and later announced that she had formed a band known as Selena Gomez & the Scene.[73] In August 2009, the band released their debut studio album Kiss & Tell.[74] The album proved to be an immediate hit, debuting inside the Top 10 of the Billboard 200 chart in the United States.[75]Kiss & Tell went on to receive a Gold certification from the RIAA, and spawned the Platinum certified single "Naturally".[76] While the band began working on their second studio album, Gomez continued to work in film. In 2009, Gomez signed on to star as one of the two female leads in Ramona and Beezus, a film adaption of the children's novel series by Beverly Cleary.[77][78] Gomez stated that she felt no pressure in taking more adult roles, saying "I think I'm fully aware of my audience and I'm still just a kid myself. I wouldn't do a role I don't feel comfortable doing or that my audience wouldn't feel comfortable seeing."[79] The film premiered on July 23, 2010 and was met with generally positive reviews.[80] Gomez was part of Sears' back-to-school fashion ad campaign.[81] As part of the campaign Gomez was featured in the television commercials. In August 2009, Gomez also hosted the "Sears Arrive Air Band Casting Call" – to select five people for the first-ever "Sears Air Band", which performed at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.[82] Gomez was a spokesperson for Borden Milk, and was featured in the campaign's print and television ads.[83] She was also a spokesperson for State Farm Insurance and appeared in numerous television commercials, which air on the Disney Channel, to raise awareness of being a safe driver.[84] Gomez later began dating film star Taylor Lautner, though the couple broke up after a few months of dating.[27]
  14.  Gomez during the We Own the Night Tour, 2011
  15. Gomez and her band released their second studio album, A Year Without Rain, on September 17, 2010.[85] The album continued the success of their previous effort, becoming their first album to reach the Top 5 of the Billboard 200.[86]A Year Without Rain spawned two singles, "Round & Round" and the title song, both of which entered the Top 40 on the Hot 100 chart.[87] It became the band's second album to receive a Gold certification from the RIAA.[76] In October 2009, Gomez announced her plan to launch her own fashion line, called "Dream Out Loud by Selena Gomez". The clothing line launched in the fall of 2010.[88][89] The collection consisted of and featured bohemian dresses, floral tops, jeans, skirts, jackets, scarves and hats, all made from recycled or eco-friendly materials.[90][91] Gomez said that the line reflected her own personal style and described the clothing as being "pretty, feminine, and bohemian". She was later quoted as saying, "With my line, I really want to give the customer options on how they can put their own looks together [...] I want the pieces that can be easy to dress up or down, and the fabrics being eco-friendly and organic is super important [...] Also, the tags will all have some of my inspirational quotes on them. I'm just looking to send a good message."[88][91] Gomez teamed up with designers Tony Melillo and Sandra Campos, both who have worked with big-name fashion houses.[89] Gomez said of the partnering, "When I met Tony and Sandra, I was instantly comfortable with them and now they are just like family to me ... They are so creative and I love how I can just call them up whenever and talk to them about everything, even if it's just about changing a button ... They've been so cool about everything."[88][89][90][91] The brand was manufactured by, Melillo and Campos teamed with New York-based Adjmi Apparel and formed by Adjmi CH Brands LLC, the holding company for the brand.[92]
  16. On February 27, 2011, Gomez attended the 2011 Vanity FairOscar party with Canadian singer Justin Bieber,[93] confirming several months of media speculation about a romantic relationship between the pair.[94] The couple quickly gained much media attention, and were labeled "Jelena" by online sites.[95] In March 2010, Variety reported that Gomez was set to star as one of the three lead roles in Monte Carlo, a film produced by Nicole Kidman, alongside Leighton Meester and Katie Cassidy.[96] In the film, Gomez plays Grace, a girl who's "mistaken for a socialite while on a trip to Paris."[97] To prepare for the role, Gomez learned how to play polo and also took two weeks of vocal training to learn two different British accents.[98][99] The film was released on July 1, 2011. That same year, Gomez appeared in a cameo role for the film The Muppets,[100] and appeared in the Disney series' So Random! and PrankStars.[101] On June 28, 2011, Gomez and her band released their third and final studio album When the Sun Goes Down.[102] The album became their highest peaking album on the Billboard 200, and went on to receive a Gold certification from the RIAA.[76] The album's second single, "Love You Like a Love Song", went on to become the band's most successful single, receiving a 4x Platinum certification from the RIAA.[76] It was announced on July 14, 2011, that Gomez had signed a license agreement with Adrenalina, an extreme sports and adventure-themed lifestyle brand, to develop, manufacture, and distribute the actress' fragrance. Chairman and C.E.O. of Adrenalina, Ilia Lekach, said, "We are incredibly enthused to be working with Ms. Gomez and will reveal more details pertaining to the fragrance as we get closer to the launch date."[103] Gomez later released the self-titled perfume.[104]
  17. 2012–present: Film projects and Stars Dance
  19.  Gomez performing during the Stars Dance Tour, 2013
  20. In January 2012, Gomez announced that she would put her music career on hold in order to focus on her acting career, and that the band would be taking a hiatus:[105] "[M]y band and I are going our separate ways for a while. This year is all about films and acting and I want my band to play music wherever with whoever. We will be back but, it will be a good while."[106] She first appeared in Hotel Transylvania, an animated film, voicing the character of Mavis, alongside Adam Sandler and Steve Buscemi. The film premiered at the 37th annual Toronto International Film Festival and was released on September 21, 2012.[107] Next, Gomez appeared in the Harmony Korine film Spring Breakers, alongside James Franco.[108] The film premiered at the 69th Venice International Film Festival. A change from her previous work Gomez 'had a bit of a meltdown on set' but praised the director with 'not many people will take the chances, not like Harmony did' by casting her in a coming-of-age film.[16] It was announced on July 30, 2012, that Gomez would partner with Case-Mate as part of its upcoming "Right Case, Right Occasion" marketing campaign.[109] She will be teaming up with Fergie and Common to create fashionable custom phone cases for a good cause. In early November 2012, it was widely reported that Gomez and Bieber had ended their relationship after approximately two years together.[110][111] They reconciled later that month.[112][113][114]
  21. Despite her earlier statements, Gomez confirmed in October 2012 that work had begun on an upcoming album.[115] The album's lead single, "Come & Get It", was released on April 8, 2013.[116][117] The song received a 2x Platinum certification from the RIAA in the US and Canada as well receive gold in three other countries. It peaked at number six on the US Billboard Hot 100 becoming her first song to reach the Top 10. Gomez later confirmed that the album would be her solo debut album, rather than her band's fourth album.[118][119] Gomez's debut album, Stars Dance, was released on July 23, 2013.[120] It debuted at number one on the US Billboard 200 becoming her first album to do so as well as having the highest first week sales of any of her albums. Gomez has since confirmed that she plans to take another musical hiatus following the release of Stars Dance, and hopes to focus on her acting career.[121]
  22. Gomez had a cameo role in Aftershock, a thriller starring Eli Roth, which premiered at the 37th Annual Toronto International Film Festival. Gomez also appeared in the thriller Getaway, with Ethan Hawke, Jon Voight and Bruce Payne,[122] which was released on August 30, 2013 in the United States. Next, Gomez is set to star in the film adaptation of the Ric Browde novel While I'm Dead... Feed the Dog opposite Dylan McDermott and Nat Wolff.[123] The film, titled Behaving Badly, will be directed by Tim Garrick. Gomez also reprised her role as Alex Russo in a one-hour special titled The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex, that began production on October 22, 2012, and finished filming on November 10, 2012. It aired on Disney Channel on March 15, 2013.[124][125] In April 2013, Gomez joined William H. Macy's directorial debut Rudderless.[126] Filming began the same month.[127] In October 2013, she reported her decision to not be focusing in just one thing and still doing both acting and singing instead of her past decision to just be focused on acting after the release of Stars Dance.[128] Gomez then appeared in the music video for "City of Angels" by Thirty Seconds to Mars, in which she addresses the role that Disney has played in her life.[129]
  23. In December 2013, Gomez announced the cancellation of the Australian-Asian leg of her Stars Dance Tour and stated that she would be taking a short hiatus to spend time with her family.[130] Starting on January 5, 2014, Gomez spent two weeks at Dawn at The Meadows, a treatment center in Wickenburg, Arizona that specializes in treating addiction and trauma in young people. Her representative stated that she had spent time there "voluntarily [...] but not for substance abuse."[131][132]
  24. On September 5, 2014, HITS Daily Double confirmed that Gomez had left Hollywood Records after seven years and signed a contract with Interscope Records, and would be working closely with the label's chairman and CEO, John Janick on the next phase of her music career.[133]
  25. Artistry
  26. Gomez names Bruno Mars as her major musical influence and idol, saying she is influenced in everything he does from "his style of music, his style in general, the way he performs, the way he carries himself."[134] Gomez also cites Beyoncé and Rihanna as influences.[135][136] Gomez's debut solo album Stars Dance (2013) was prominently influenced by singers Britney Spears, Taylor Swift and Skrillex.[137]
  27. Gomez was involved in the UR Votes Count campaign which encouraged teenagers to learn more about 2008 presidential candidatesBarack Obama and John McCain.[138] In October 2008, Gomez participated in St. Jude's Children's Hospital "Runway For Life" benefit.[139] She is the ambassador of DoSomething.org after being involved with the charity Island Dog, which helps dogs in Puerto Rico.[140] She got involved while filming Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie in Puerto Rico.[141] Gomez is also involved with the charity RAISE Hope For Congo, an initiative of the Enough Project, which helps raise awareness about conflict minerals and violence against Congolese women.[142] From 2009 to 2012, Gomez was involved in Disney's Friends for Change, an organization which promotes "environmentally-friendly behavior", and appeared in its public service announcements.[143] Gomez, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, and the Jonas Brothers recorded "Send It On", a charity single with all of its proceeds to the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund.[144][145] It debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 at number 20.[144] Also in 2009, Gomez made a surprise visit to a Los Angeles elementary school as part of the "A Day Made Better" program that was sponsored by OfficeMax. During her visit, Gomez gave the school an award and $1,000 worth of school supplies, and talked to students about the importance of giving back to the community.[146][147] On January 22, 2010, Gomez participated in the Hope for Haiti Now Telethon with a number of other celebrities.[148] In April 2012, Gomez was named ambassador to the Ryan Seacrest Foundation.[149]
  28. Work with UNICEF
  29. In October 2008, Gomez was named UNICEF's spokesperson for the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign, which encouraged children to raise money on Halloween to help children around the world.[150] She said that she was "extremely excited" to "encourage other kids to make a difference in the world."[150] In August 2009, a 17-year-old Gomez became the youngest UNICEF ambassador ever, passing fellow songstress Hayley Westenra, who was 18 when she was chosen. In her first official field mission, Gomez traveled to Ghana on September 4, 2009 for a week to witness first-hand the stark conditions of vulnerable children that lack vital necessities including clean water, nourishment, education and healthcare.[151][152] Gomez explained during an interview with Associated Press that she wanted to use her star power to bring awareness to Ghana: "That's why I feel very honored to have a voice that kids listen to and take into consideration [...] I had people on my tour asking me where IS Ghana, and they Googled it [...] and because I went there, they now know where Ghana is. So it's pretty incredible."[152][153] Gomez said of her role as ambassador that: "Every day 25,000 children die from preventable causes. I stand with UNICEF in the belief that we can change that number from 25,000 to zero. I know we can achieve this because every moment, UNICEF is on the ground providing children with the lifesaving assistance needed to ensure zero becomes a reality."[151]
  30. Gomez was named spokesperson for UNICEF's 2009 Trick-or-Treat campaign, for the second year in a row.[154] Gomez, who raised over $700,000 for the charity in 2008, stated that she hopes to be able to raise 1 million dollars in 2009.[152] Gomez participated in a celebrity auction[155] and hosted a live web cast series on Facebook in support of the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign.[156] Gomez returned as the UNICEF spokesperson for the 60th anniversary of Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign in 2010.[157] In celebration of the 60th anniversary, Gomez and her band, The Scene, held a benefit concert donating all proceeds to the campaign.[158] In February 2011, Gomez traveled to Chile to witness and meet with the families of UNICEF's supported program, "Programa Puente" which helps families better understand and develops skills to deal effectively with early childhood education, development and other issues related to raising children. From her field trip experience, Gomez said "UNICEF is helping Chilean families get out of poverty, prevent violence within the home and promote education. To witness first hand these families' struggles, and also their hope and perseverance, was truly inspiring."[159] In March 2011, Gomez participated in the UNICEF Tap Project's "Celebrity Tap Pack" limited-edition, custom-made water bottles featuring tap water from the homes of each celebrity advocate, in order to raise funds and increase profile for the clean water and sanitation programs.[160] She is also featured in videos promoting the campaign.[161][162]
  31. Filmography
  32. Television
  33. Year
  34. Title
  35. Role
  36. Notes
  37. 2002–04
  38. Barney & Friends
  39. Gianna
  40. 14 episodes
  41. 2006
  42. The Suite Life of Zack & Cody
  43. Gwen
  44. Episode: "A Midsummer's Nightmare"
  45. 2007–08
  46. Hannah Montana
  47. Mikayla
  48. 3 episodes
  49. 2007–12
  50. Wizards of Waverly Place
  51. Alex Russo
  52. Lead role; Disney Channel Original Series; 106 episodes
  53. 2008
  54. Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream
  55. Herself
  56. Episode: "Hello Hollywood"
  57. 2008
  58. Studio DC: Almost Live
  59. Herself
  60. Episode: "The Second Show"
  61. 2009
  62. The Suite Life on Deck
  63. Alex Russo
  64. Episode: "Double-Crossed"
  65. 2009
  66. Sonny with a Chance
  67. Herself
  68. Episode: "Battle of the Networks' Stars"
  69. 2011
  70. So Random!
  71. Herself
  72. Episode: "Selena Gomez"
  73. 2011
  74. PrankStars
  75. Herself
  76. Episode: "Something to Chew On"
  77. 2013
  78. The Wizards Return: Alex vs. Alex
  79. Alex Russo
  80. Special; also executive producer
  81. 2013
  82. Austin Mahone Takeover
  83. Herself
  84. Episode: "Austin Mahone and Selena Gomez at the Billboard Music Awards"
  85. Film
  86. Year
  87. Title
  88. Role
  89. Notes
  90. 2003
  91. Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over
  92. Waterpark Girl
  94. 2005
  95. Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire
  96. Julie
  98. 2008
  99. Another Cinderella Story
  100. Mary Santiago
  102. 2008
  103. Horton Hears a Who!
  104. Helga
  105. Voice
  106. 2009
  107. Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard
  108. Princess Selenia
  109. Voice
  110. 2009
  111. Princess Protection Program
  112. Carter Mason
  114. 2009
  115. Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie
  116. Alex Russo
  118. 2010
  119. Arthur 3: The War of the Two Worlds
  120. Princess Selenia
  121. Voice
  122. 2010
  123. Ramona and Beezus
  124. Beatrice "Beezus" Quimby
  126. 2011
  127. Monte Carlo
  128. Grace Ann Bennett / Cordelia Winthrop Scott
  130. 2011
  131. The Muppets
  132. Herself
  133. Cameo appearance
  134. 2012
  135. Hotel Transylvania
  136. Mavis
  137. Voice
  138. 2013
  139. Spring Breakers
  140. Faith
  142. 2013
  143. Aftershock
  144. VIP girl
  145. Cameo appearance
  146. 2013
  147. Getaway
  148. The Kid
  150. 2013
  151. Searching
  152. Violet
  153. Short film
  154. 2014
  155. Behaving Badly
  156. Nina Pennington
  158. 2014
  159. Rudderless
  160. Kate Ann Lucas
  162. 2015
  163. Hotel Transylvania 2
  164. Mavis
  165. In development
  166. Discography
  167. Main articles: Selena Gomez discography and Selena Gomez & the Scene discography
    1. Gomez has released one studio album, one EP, four singles, one featured single, for promotional singles, and eleven music videos in her solo career. During her solo career, she sold around six million copies worldwide in one year with the two singles, "Come & Get It" and "Slow Down", and with the album "Stars Dance". Between 2008 and 2012, Gomez was the lead singer of the band, Selena Gomez & the Scene, releasing three studio albums, one remix album, seven singles and seven music

неделя, 12 октомври 2014 г.

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Е, това е от мен за сега!

понеделник, 29 септември 2014 г.

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понеделник, 1 септември 2014 г.

Blog of Kaloyan Savov: Android: Полезни приложения и уиджети

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неделя, 27 април 2014 г.

Моята любима Андреа!


Една весела песен


неделя, 9 март 2014 г.

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събота, 8 март 2014 г.

Костадин Колев: Windows 7: Бързо и лесно отваряне на контролата за...

Костадин Колев: Windows 7: Бързо и лесно отваряне на контролата за...: Бе ми зададен въпроса дали може по бърз и лесен начин (така да се каже "на сляпо") да се отвори основния плъзгач за контролиране н...

Костадин Колев: Mozilla Thunderbird: Създаване на нов акаунт в програмата за ползване с поща от abv.bg

Костадин Колев: Mozilla Thunderbird: Създаване на нов акаунт в програмата за ползване с поща от abv.bg

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